Probation Officer Amy Walden gave us a unique insight into
the needs of nonreligious prisoners at our December meeting and how these are
being met by a pilot project offering Humanist support.
The proportion of non-religious prisoners, 31%, is in line
with society in general yet there is an assumption that their emotional and
psychological needs can be Christian chaplains.
For example, when a prisoner’s family member is seriously ill or has
died, it is always a chaplain who delivers the news. Not all prisoners are
allowed to attend the funeral – they are offered time to sit in the chapel
instead, and for prayers to be said and the chaplain is there to provide
emotional support.
But not all non-religious people feel comfortable talking to
a religious person for advice. There is
a void in this area and no guidance given, as if atheism is a taboo and not
important. Some questions and needs of nonreligious people require a non-religious
person to deal with them – for example bereavement and making sense of the
Amy explained that a non-religious chaplain or Humanist
adviser can give non-religious prisoners a voice and redress the imbalance of
provision for religious and non-religious prisoners. Non-religious prisoners find it helpful to be
able to talk to a Humanist adviser who can provide guidance, help and support
through difficult times, particularly bereavement. They also find it helpful to attend atheist
meetings to discuss their views, beliefs and opinions with like-minded people,
and to support each other. A Humanist
adviser can facilitate acknowledgement and acceptance that non-religious
beliefs are also a ‘norm’ and give advice on how to deal with situations appropriately
when a religious person challenges atheist views.